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AWS Storage

This is not an exhaustive documentation of all the existing AWS Services. These are summarized notes for the AWS Certifications.
To see the complete documentation, please go to: AWS documentation

Storage Comparison

AWS Storage Description  
  S3 Object Storage
  Glacier Object Archival
  EFS Network File System for Linux instances, POSIX filesystem
  FSx for Windows Network File System for Windows servers
  FSx for Lustre High Performance Computing for Linux systems
  EBS volumes Network storage for one EC2 instance at a time
  Instance Storage Physical storage for EC2 instance (high IOPS)
  Storage Gateway Hyrbid cloud storage
  Snowball / Snowmobile move large data to the cloud, physical

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Amazon S3

Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) is an object storage service built to store and retrieve any amount of data from anywhere.

In reality, there is no concept of “directories” within buckets because S3 follows a flat structure. However the UI will actually show that you can have directories within directories.

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S3 Bucket Naming Convention

S3 Objects

Data is stored as objects within resources called “buckets”

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S3 Versioning

When versionining is enabled (at the bucket level),files can have multiple versions.

Without Versioning

Deleting versioned files

MFA Delete

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S3 Static Hosting

S3 can host static websites and have them accessible from the internet

Use cases

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S3 Cross Origin Resource Sharing (CORS)

CORS is a web browser based mechanism to allow requests to other origins while visiting the main one

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S3 Consistency Model

Amazon S3 follows two consistency models:

S3 HTTP Codes

HTTP Code Description
200 Successful upload
300 Redirection
400 Client error
500 Server error

S3 Access Logs

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S3 Replication

To enable replication:

For DELETE operations:

There is no chaining of replication:

There are 2 types of replication:

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S3 Pre-signed URLs

Reference: Sharing objects with presigned URLs

By default, all Amazon S3 objects are private, only the object owner has permission to access them. However, the object owner may share objects with others by creating a presigned URL. A presigned URL uses security credentials to grant time-limited permission to download objects.

For downloads, we can configure through CLI:

aws s3 presign help
Aaws configure set default.s3.signature_version s3v4
aws s3 presign s3://myfavoritefilm/Lionking.jpg --expires-in 120 --region ap-southeast-1  

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S3 Lifecycle Policies

We can transition objects between storage classes in order to save money

Transaction Actions Transaction actions define when should objects be transitioned from one storage to another

Expiration actions Expiration actions deletes objects after a given time.

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S3 Lock Policies

S3 Object Lock Implements WORM (Write Once Read Many Model) model, meaning that it guarantees that a file is only written once and it can not be deleted until the lock is removed

Glacier Vault Lock Same WORM model is implemented, locket file can not be changed as long as the lock is active. Helpful for compliance and data retention

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S3 Event Notifications

Amazon S3 Event Notifications can be used to receive notifications when certain events happen in your S3 bucket.

Currently, Amazon S3 can publish notifications for the following events:

Amazon S3 can send event notification messages to the following destinations.

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S3 Security

User based security

Resource based security

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Bucket Policies

Bucket Settings for Block Public Access

Other Security Features


Logging and Audit

User Security

S3 Object Encryption

Encryption at rest

For protecting data at rest in Amazon S3, you have the following options:




Client Side Encryption

Encryption in transit

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S3 Storage Classes

S3 Standard - General Purpose

S3 Standard - Infrequent Access

S3 One Zone - Infrequent Access

S3 One Zone - Intelligent Tiering

S3 Glacier

S3 Glacier Deep Archive

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S3 Performance Optimization

Baseline Performance Amazon S3 automatically scales to high request rates, having latency of 100-200ms to get the first byte out of S3

Prefix explained:

Single PUT Upload

Multipart Upload

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S3 Accelerated Transfer

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S3 Byte-Range Fetches

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KMS Limitation

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S3 Select and Glacier Select

This provides a ways to retrieve parts of objects and not the entire object.

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AWS Athena

The source data is stored on S3 and Athena can read from this data. In Athena you are defining a way to get the original data and defining how it should show up for what you want to see.

How Athena works


Supported file formats

Uses cases

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AWS Snowball Family

Designed to move large amounts of data IN and OUT of AWS. Physical storage the size of a suitcase or truck. Ordered from AWS, use, then return.

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Snowball Edge

Types of Snowball Edge


Portable data center within a shipping container on a truck. This is a special order and is not available in high volume. Ideal for single location where 10 PB+ is required. Max is 100 PB per snowmobile.

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AWS Storage Gateway

Hybrid Cloud for Storage

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Storage Gateway

Bridge between on-premise data and cloud data in S3

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File Gateway

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Volume Gateway

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Tape Gateway

File Gateway Hardware Appliance

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Amazon FSx

Amazon FSx for Windows

Amazon FSx for Lustre

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AWS DataSync

AWS DataSync Components




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