Threat Intelligence and Sources
- Threat Intelligence
- Quality of Intelligence
- Types of intelligence
- Implicit and Explicit Knowledge
- Automated Indicator Sharing
Threat Intelligence
Threat Intelligence is a continual process used to understand the threats faced by an organization. It is focused on analyzing evidence-based knowledge about an existing or emerging hazard to our asset.
Quality of Intelligence
Consider and measure the quality of intelligence.
Timeliness - Property of an intelligence source that ensures it is up-to-date.
Relevancy - Property of an intelligence source that ensures it matches the use cases intended for it.
Accuracy - Property of an intelligence source that ensures it produces effective results.Information needs to be valid and true.
Confidence Levels - Property of an intelligence source that ensures it produces qualified statements about reliability.
Types of intelligence
Data that is available to use without subscription, which may include threat feeds similar to the commercial providers and may contain reputation lists and malware signature databases
- AT&T Security (previously Alienvault OTX)
- VirusTotal
- Spamhaus
- SANS ISC Suspicious Domains
Threat intelligence is very widely provided as a commercial service offering, where access to updates and research is subject to a subscription fee
- Some of these are repackaged information.
- Not nearly as useful.
Companies that provide proprietary threat intelligence feeds:
- FireEye
- McAfee
- Symantec
Data that is derived from the provider’s own research and analysis efforts, such as data from honeynets that they operate, plus information mined from its customers’ systems, suitably anonymized
- Good example is Fireeye
Information Sharing Organizations
These are alliances that are formed to share threat intelligence among its members.
- Centers
- Organizations
- Finance
- Healthcare
- Energy
Open-Source Intelligence (OSINT)
Methods of obtaining information about a person or organization through public records, websites, and social media.
Dark Web
The Dark Web is a part of the internet that is intentionally hidden and requires special software like Tor to access.
- A segment of the Deep Web, often associated with illegal or illicit activities.
- Often monitored by law enforcement due to its association with cybercrime.
- Contents are not indexed by search engine like Google
- Uses Tor network, which is sits over standard internet protocol.
- Encrypted anonymous connections
How it works:
Implicit and Explicit Knowledge
All of the threat feeds mentioned previously as intelligence sources are considered explicit knowledge, but explicit knowledge comes from years of experience.
Automated Indicator Sharing
Uses a specialized format called Structured Threat Information Expression (STiX) to package threat intelligence information.
Exchange of cybersecurity intelligence between entities
- Uses Trusted Automated Exchange of Intelligence Information (TAXII) to transmit the packaged information
- TAXII is like an RSS feed
- Normally built-in on security monitoring tools