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Symmetric Encryption

Symmetric Cryptosystems

Symmetric cryptography uses the same key for both encryption and decryption. The sender and receiver must share this key, keeping it secret from others.

Symmetric encryption is generally faster and less computationally intensive compared to asymmetric cryptography. It is also effective for encrypting large volumes of data.

Block Ciphers

Algorithm Cipher Type Block Size Number of Rounds Key Size Description
DES (Data Encryption Standard) Block Cipher 64-bit 16 rounds 56-bit Legacy block cipher; once widely used but now considered insecure.
3DES (Triple DES) Block Cipher 64-bit 48 rounds (3x16) 168-bit 3DES repeats DES process 3 times, hence 56*3 = 168-bit key size.
IDEA (International Data Encryption Algorithm) Block Cipher 64-bit 8 rounds 128-bit 128-bit key size makes it harder to break, but is not widely utilized.
AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) Block Cipher 128-bit 10/12/14 rounds 128/192/256-bit Current encryption standard; highly secure and widely used.
Blowfish Block Cipher 64-bit 16 rounds 32-448 bit (variable) Developed as DES replacement; fast and flexible block cipher with variable key length.
Twofish Block Cipher 128-bit 16 rounds 128/192/256-bit A finalist in the AES competition, released as open source along with Blowfish.

A few notes:

Streaming Ciphers

Also known as RC Cipher Suites, the streaming ciphers comprises a range of ciphers, from block to stream, with varying levels of flexibility and security.

Unlike block ciphers, streaming ciphers encrypt one bit a time. It is wideless in encrypting wireless networks.

Algorithm Cipher Type Block Size Number of Rounds Key Size Description
RC2 Block Cipher 64-bit Variable rounds 8-128 bit (variable) Early block cipher; adjustable key size, mostly used in legacy applications.
RC4 Stream Cipher N/A Variable 40-2048 bit (variable) Used in SSL and WEP; now considered insecure due to vulnerabilities in key scheduling.
RC5 Block Cipher 32/64/128-bit Variable rounds 0-2040 bit (variable) Highly flexible block cipher with variable block size, key size, and rounds.
RC6 Block Cipher 128-bit 20 rounds 128/192/256-bit Extended version of RC5; designed for high security and was a finalist in the AES competition.

A few notes:

Symmetric Block Modes

Symmetric block ciphers can operate in various modes that define how blocks of plaintext are transformed into ciphertext. Different modes address specific requirements and security concerns.

Electronic Codebook

ECB (Electronic Codebook) mode can show identical blocks for identical plaintext inputs, compromising security.

As an example, if we encrypt the image above, we’ll get a scrambled image that still shows some patterns. Although it is encrypted, the image is still recognizable.



Cipher Block Chaining (CBC)

Each block of plaintext is XORed with the previous ciphertext block before encryption. The first block uses an initialization vector (IV).

Initialization vector



Cipher Feedback (CFB)

Turns block ciphers into self-synchronizing stream ciphers. The previous ciphertext block (or IV) is encrypted and then XORed with the plaintext to produce ciphertext.



Output Feedback (OFB)

Similar to CFB, but the encrypted output (keystream) is generated independently of the plaintext and then XORed with the plaintext to produce ciphertext.



Counter (CTR)

Converts block ciphers into stream ciphers by using a counter that is encrypted to produce a keystream, which is then XORed with the plaintext.



Galois/Counter Mode (GCM)

Combines CTR mode with a message authentication code (MAC) to ensure data integrity and confidentiality.



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