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Digital Forensics

Digital Forensics

Digital forensics is the process of investigating and analyzing digital devices and data to uncover evidence

Phases of Digital Forensics


Recognizing and determining relevant data or digital evidence.


Gathering and acquiring digital evidence while preserving its integrity.


Examining collected data to uncover relevant information, patterns, or evidence.


The final phase where findings from the analysis are documented and presented.

Data Acquisition

The method and tools used to create a forensically sound copy of the data from a source device, such as system memory or a hard disk.

Chain of Custody

The Chain of Custody is the documented process that tracks the handling, transfer, and storage of evidence from its collection to its final presentation in court or other legal settings.

Order of Volatility

The order of volatility indicates the priority for collecting digital evidence, focusing on preserving the most transient data first.

CPU Registers and Cache

RAM (Memory)

Swap Space/Temporary File Systems

Persistent Mass Storage

Remote Logging and Monitoring Data

Physical Configuration and network topology

Archival Media

Data Collection Procedures

These collection techniques allow investigators to recover and analyze data while preserving the integrity of the original evidence.

Disk Imaging

Disk imaging is the process of creating an exact, sector-by-sector copy of a storage device, such as a hard drive or SSD. This copy, or “image,” preserves the original data, allowing for forensic analysis without altering the original evidence.

Tools used:

File Carving

File carving is a technique used to extract files from a disk image without relying on file system structures. It is often used to recover deleted or fragmented files.

Preserving the Evidence

Also known as a litigation hold, legal hold is a formal notice requiring an organization to preserve all relevant information and data for potential or ongoing litigation, investigations, or legal proceedings.

Lifting the Hold


The goal of preservation is to maintain the integrity of the electronic information, which is essential for building a strong case or responding to legal requests.

Preservation could include:

Electronic Discovery

Commonly known as eDiscovery, Electronic Discovery is the process of identifying, collecting, reviewing, and producing electronically stored information (ESI) for legal or investigative purposes.

Mobile Devices

Mobile device forensics involves the investigation and analysis of digital evidence stored on mobile devices, such as smartphones, tablets, and other portable electronics.


Code of Ethics

Forensic analysts must adhere to a code of ethics.

  1. Avoid Bias
  2. Repeatable Actions
  3. Preservation of Evidence

Avoid Bias

Repeatable Actions

Preservation of Evidence

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