
IAM Requirements

Create the IAM Policy

Create the EKSFullAccess policy that allows us access to EKS and ECR.

  1. Go to IAM console.
  2. In the left panel, click Policies.
  3. Click Create Policy.
  4. Choose the JSON tab and paste the EKSFullAccess policy.
  5. Click Review Policy.
  6. Give the policy the name and description.

    Name: EKSFullAccess Description: Allows full admin access for EKS and ECR resources.

  7. Finally, click Create Policy.

Create the Service-linked Role

To create a service-linked role:

  1. Log-in to your AWS Management Console and go to IAM dashboard.
  2. in the left menu, click Roles > Create Role
  3. In the Select trusted entity page, choose AWS Service.
  4. In the Use cases for other AWS services, type EKS.
  5. Select the EKS (Allow EKS to manage clusters in your behalf) then click Next > Next
  6. In the Name, review, and create step, git it a name: EKSServiceRole click Create role.

Back at the Roles page, click the role you just created to show the details. Copy the ARN. We’ll be using it in the IAM Policy next.


Create the IAM User, Access Key, and Keypair

Refer to the links below.

For the keypair, store it inside ~/.ssh directory.

For the IAM User and Group, you can use the values below. Make sure to add the user to the group.

While you can attach the EKSFullAccess policy to your user, you can also give it the AdministratorAccess. Once you’ve created the k8s-admin, log-in to the AWS Management Console using this IAM user.

Create the IAM Group

Create the k8s-lab group.

  1. Go to IAM console.
  2. In the left panel, click User Groups.
  3. Click Create group
  4. Give it a user group name: k8s-lab
  5. Scroll below to the Attach User section. Choose “k8s-admin” and the current user you’re signed in to.
  6. Scroll below to the Attach permission policies.
  7. Filter and add the following policy.

    • AmazonEC2FullAccess
    • AmazonEKSClusterPolicy
    • AmazonEKSWorkerNodePolicy
    • AmazonS3FullAccess
    • AmazonSNSReadOnlyAccess (for CloudFormation)
    • AmazonEKSServicePolicy
    • AWSCloudFormationFullAccess
  8. Finally, click Create group.
  9. You may add the new user to this group.

Note: You may encounter some issue when using this user with limited IAM permissions. As a workaround, you can attach the AdministratorAccess to the user.

Configure the Credentials File

Make sure you’ve installed AWS CLI in your terminal

In your terminal, configure the .aws/credentials file that’s automatically created in your home directory. Supply the access key ID and secret access key which you downloaded in the previous step.

$ vim ~/.aws/credentials 
# /home/user/.aws/credentials

aws_access_key_id = AKIAxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
region = ap-southeast-1
output = json

You can use a different profile name. To use the profile, export it as a variable.

$ export AWS_PROFILE=k8s-admin

To verify, we can run the commands below:

$ aws configure list 
$ aws sts get-caller-identity 

Although the region is already set in the profile, we’ll also be using the region in many of the commands. We can save it as a variable.

$ export AWSREGION=ap-southeast-1