
Attach and Detach Mode

You can run a container in an ATTACH mode - this means process will run in the foreground. You cannot do anything else while process is attached to the console until container exits.

The console won’t response to any input, except if you stop it by running Ctrl-C

As an example, we can run a simple web-server that listens on port 8080.

$ sudo docker run kodekloud/simple-webapp

Check the running containers.

$ sudo docker ps

CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                     COMMAND           CREATED          STATUS          PORTS      NAMES
734e84936864   kodekloud/simple-webapp   "python"   30 seconds ago   Up 29 seconds   8080/tcp   relaxed_grothendieck

On the other hand, running containers in DETACH mode means the container is running in the background. This can be done by using the “-d” flag.

$ sudo docker run -d ubuntu sleep 60 

To attach to the running container in the background, you can run the attach command, followed by either the container ID or the container name.

$ sudo docker ps
$ sudo docker attach <container-id>
$ sudo docker attach <container-name>

You can also run and automatically log in to the container by using the “-it” flag.

sudo docker run -it -d --name nyancat2 06kellyjac/nyancat

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