Pod Operations
Let’s say we deployed a cluster with a ReplicaSet of 5 using kubectl. The process would look like this:
- Request is submitted by the kubectl to the API Server.
- The API Server stores the information to the cluster store.
- The Controller Manager spins up the 5 pods based on the ReplicaSet requirements and sends this request to the Scheduler.
- The Scheduler checks the nodes and schedules the two nodes where the Pods will be spun up.
- On the Node side, the kubelet asks the API Server for any updates.
- It will then see that on Node1, three Pods will be spun up. Another two Pods will be spun up on the second node.
- The Controller Manager monitors the state of the Replicas.
Let’s say Node 2 goes down.
- Node 2 will stop reporting to the Controller Manager, which then determines that the current state is now different with the desired state.
- The Controller Manager send another request to the Scheduler.
- The Scheduler checks the number of nodes on which to spin up the two pods, which in this case will be Node 1.
- The kubelet in node1 seees a state change which will then spin up the two additional Pods.
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