
Service Accounts

Service Accounts

Service accounts provide an identity to pods running in a cluster. Unlike user accounts which are managed by an external entity and are intended for humans, service accounts are made to be used by Pods.

Pods have a token that is automatically mounted on a volume that can be used to authenticate requests. Every namespace also has a default service account token which has no additional permissions than an unauthenticated user.

To learn more, check out the Service Accounts page.

Creating Service Accounts

To create a service account named sample-sa through kubectl:

kubectl create serviceaccount sample-sa 

Similarly, we can also create the service account using a YAML file.

## sample-sa.yml
apiVersion: v1
kind: ServiceAccount
  name: sample-sa

And then apply:

kubectl apply -f sample-sa.yml 

To configure a pod to use the service account:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: my-pod
  serviceAccountName: sample-sa

Default Service Accounts

For every namespace in Kubernetes, a service account named default is automatically created. Each namespace has its own default service account.

Whenever a pod is created, the default service account and its created token are automatically mounted to that pod as a volume mount. Below is an example.


When a service account is created, it does the following:

This token can then be used as an authentication bearer token when making REST calls to the Kubernetes API.

Note that this JWT (token):

Kubernetes v.1.24 Update - Token Expiry

Tokens are auto-generated on Kubernetes 1.21 and below. However, this is changed on Kubernetes 1.24. A token needs to be created separately.

To create the token:

kubectl create token sample-sa 

This way, the secret (token) and the service account are separate objects which needed to be associated with the pod during creation.

Kubernetes v.1.24 Update - Creating Non-expiring Tokens

To create secrets with non-expiring tokens, create the secret object and then define the service account name in the annotations.

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: mysecret
  annotations: myserviceaccount

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