
Kubernetes Patterns for Application Developers

Multi-container Patterns

Multiple containers in a Pod

Pods are an extra level of abstraction above containers. Pods allow us to specify additional information for the container as well as simplifying the usage of different underlying container runtimes (e.g. docker, rocket). To learn more about Pods, check out the Pods page.

We can also have tightly coupled containers co-located in the same Pod and they can be managed as a single unit, allowing for better separation of concerns and container image reusability. All of these can be achieved through the following patterns.

Sidecar-container Pattern

Sidecar pattern uses a helper container which is used to extend the functionality of a primary container. The benefits of sidecar pattern is that it helps with isolating failures. If a sidecar like a logging agent fails, the primary container can still work. Common examples include:

As an example, we could have a primary container that writes to log files. We can extend the functionality of this container by using a sidecar container which sends the log files to a central S3 Bucket for collection.

Photo courtesy of [Multi-Container Pods](

Ambassador Pattern

The ambassador pattern can be used to proxy connections from a primary container to the outside world. The primary container only needs to consider connecting to localhost, while the ambassador controls proxying the connections to different environments. This is because containers in the same pod share the same network space, and can communicate with each other over localhost. Common examples include:

As an example, we could have:

The web app handles requests from clients and when the data needs to be updated the web app sends a request over local host, where it is received by the database proxy.

Photo courtesy of [Kubernetes multi-container patterns](

The database proxy then forwards the request to the correct database backend. The database could have a single endpoint, or the database could be shared across multiple database instances. The ambassador can encapsulate the logic for sharding the requests in the latter case. Meanwhile, the web app is free from any of the associated complexity.

Adapter Pattern

The adapter pattern provides a standardized interface of an application across multiple Pods. The adaptor pattern is the opposite of the ambassador pattern, in that the ambassador presents a simplified view to the primary container while the adaptor pattern presents a simplified view of the application to the outside world. Common examples include:

As an example, we could have an application that needs to transform heterogenous monitoring data into a single unified representation. We can refactor the application and develop the needed feature, or we can make use of an adapter container whose sole purpose is the transformation.

Photo courtesy of [Adapter containers](



As an application developer, learning the networking concepts of Kubernetes and how they can be used to access applications running in a cluster, starting with IP-per-Pod.

Pods are ephemeral, which means they will be killed and everytime they are restarted, they will have a different IP. Pods may also have multiple replicas spread over many nodes.


Kubernetes Services can help in maintaining a list of endpoints as Pods are added and removed from the set.

Below are the types of Kubernetes Services available:

Network Policies

Network Policies are similar to security groups for virtual machines because they are used for controlling access.

Isolated vs. Non-Isolated Pods

The default behavior of a Pod is to allow traffic from any source, making it a non-isolated Pod. Once a pod is selected by a network policy it becomes isolated. The pods are selected using labels, which are the core grouping primitive in Kubernetes.

Leveraging kubectl

In addition to the other patterns mentioned above, it is also beneficial to not just familiarize ourself with kubectl but to leverage its functionalities:

To enable the command completion for kubectl:

suorce <(kubectl completion bash)>  

If you have multiple manifest files that you need to run, you can simply put them in one directory:

$ tree my-files 
├── web.yml
├── db.yml
└── cache.yml

Then run all files in one go by specifying the directory.

kubectl apply -f my-files 

If you want to create the manifest of a resource, let’s say a namespace, on the command line, you can simply do all it by forwarding the output of the –dry-run command to a file:

kubectl create namespace my-namespace -o yaml --dry-run > myname.yaml 

Then apply the YAML file:

kubectl apply -f myname.yml  

In addition to these, another extremely important trick is:

kubectl api-resources  

This command display all the available api-resources and their shortnames. Some resources have long names so knowing the shorthand names for the resource can save some time in typing.


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