In this lab, we’ll be creating the cluster through the EKS dahsboard in AWS Management Console.
For this lab, we’ll be using ap-southeast-1 region (Singapore).
Let’s start with creating a VPC where our EKS Cluster will reide. We’ll use a Cloudformation template from the AWS Documentation.
In the Amazon S3 URL field, paste the link below.
Add tags:
Next, we’ll create the nodegroup.
Follow the same steps, and paste the link below:
Click Next. In the next page, give it a name: eks-lab-nodegroup.
Back at the Stacks page, wait for the two stacks to finish setting up.
Recall that the EKS has two planes, Management plabne and Contol Plane. Let’s create the control plane.
It will take a few minutes before the cluster is created.
In the Node groups section, click Add node group.
In the next page, set the configurations:
Back at the Compute tab, wait for the node to change status from NotReady to Ready.
Go to the EC2 dashboard. We should see the nodes created for our EKS cluster.
In your terminal, check if the identity that you’re using is the same as the user you used to log-in to the AWS Console.
$ aws sts get-caller identity
You should be able to retrieve the nodes now.
$ kubectl get nodes
If you get this error,
error: You must be logged in to the server (Unauthorized)
Run the command below to update the kubeconfig file.
$ aws eks update-kubeconfig \
--region ap-southeast-1 \
--name eks-buenavista
If this doesn’t solve the error, you may need to edit the ~/.kube/config
manually and add the cluster information. You can find all of these in the Overview tab of your cluster in the EKS dashboard.
Modify the kubeconfig file.
$ vim ~/.kube/config
Start with the cluster block. You need to add the:
- cluster:
certificate-authority-data: <Certificate-authority>
server: <API server endpoint>
name: <Cluster ARN>
Next is the Context block.
- context:
cluster: <Cluster ARN>
user: <Cluster ARN>
name: eks-buonavista
Finally, configure the Users block.
- name: <Cluster ARN>
- --region
- ap-southeast-1
- eks
- get-token
- --cluster-name
- eks-bounavista
command: aws
value: k8s-admin
Retrieve the contexts. It should now show the new cluster.
$ kubectl config get-contexts
If you other cluster added to the config file, you can switch over to the new cluster. Notice that the “*” now shifts to the new cluster when you retrieve the contexts again.
$ kubectl config use-context eks-bounavista
$ kubectl config get-contexts
Now try to retrieve the nodes.
$ kubectl get nodes
Then try to check the nodes and cluster.
$ aws eks list-clusters
"clusters": [
$ kubectl get nodes
ip-192-168-148-225.ap-southeast-1.compute.internal Ready <none> 15m v1.22.12-eks-ba74326
ip-192-168-220-9.ap-southeast-1.compute.internal Ready <none> 16m v1.22.12-eks-ba74326
Verify if they’re the same nodes in the EKS dashboard.
As a bonus, let’s try to deploy an NGINX pod using this nginx.yml file.
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: nginx-demo
namespace: default
- name: nginx-ctr
image: nginx:latest
- containerPort: 80
Apply the manifest.
$ kubectl apply -f nginx.yml
pod/nginx-demo created
Retrieve the pods.
$ kubectl get pods
nginx-demo 1/1 Running 0 11s
Go back to the your cluster in the EKS dashboard and open the Resources tab. Open Workloads > Pod.
In the All Namespaces dropdown bar, select default. You should now see the NGINX pod running.
Click nginx-demo to see mroe information about the pod. Scroll down below to the Events section. If there are any errors hta occured, it will be displayed here.
Before we officially close this lab, make sure to destroy all resources to prevent incurring additional costs. Go to the EKS dashboard and delete the nodegroup, then the cluster.
Next, go to the Cloudformation dashboard and delete the two stacks. Note that when you delete your cluster, make sure to double check if the stacks are dropped cleanly.
It could encounter an error sometimes which causes the stack to fail.
In this cases, open the stack and go to the Resources tab. The Status Reason should display what caused the delete to fail.
For this error, we can simply click the link in the Physical ID and it should bring us to the role that we need to detach.
Since we don’t need the role anymore, we can simply delete it.
Go back to the Stacks page in Cloudformation and retry the delete again.
The delete should now succeed. Delete the other stack to completely remove all resources.