
Lab 058: Deploy a Stateful Application using EFS

NOTE The steps specified in this lab for installing the EFS driver is still valid as of June 2023.
However, the Wordpress and MySQL deployment might be outdated. Please refer to Running WordPress on Amazon EKS with Amazon EFS Intelligent-tiering



This lab discusses how to deploy a stateful application using EFS. The steps are similar with the previous previous lab but instead of a EBS CS driver, we will use an EFS driver.

For this lab, we’ll use ap-southeast-1 region (Singapore).

The Application Architecture

Our sample application will be composed of two layers:

Both tiers will have their own storage to store the media content:

Launch a Simple EKS Cluster

Verify the correct IAM user’s access keys. This should be the user created from the pre-requisites section above.

$ aws sts get-caller-identity 
    "UserId": "AIDxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
    "Account": "1234567890",
    "Arn": "arn:aws:iam::1234567890:user/k8s-admin"

For the cluster, we can reuse the eksops.yml file from the previous labs. Launch the cluster. Note that you must have generated an SSH key pair which can be used to SSH onto the nodes. The keypair I’ve used here is named “k8s-kp” and is specified in the manifest file.

time eksctl create cluster -f eksops.yml 

Check the nodes and pods.

kubectl get nodes 

Save the cluster, region, and AWS account ID in a variable. We’ll be using these in a lot of the commands later.

MYAWSID=$(aws sts get-caller-identity | python3 -c "import sys,json; print (json.load(sys.stdin)['Account'])")

Verify in the AWS Management Console. We should be able to see the cluster and the nodegroup.

Setup the Kubernetes Dashboard

The previous lab explained the concept of Kubernetes Dashboard and the steps to set it up. We can use a script that sets up the dashboard in one go. Make the script executable.

chmod +x scripts/

Run the script.


It should return the following output:

serviceaccount/metrics-server created created created created created created
service/metrics-server created
deployment.apps/metrics-server created created
namespace/kubernetes-dashboard created
serviceaccount/kubernetes-dashboard created
service/kubernetes-dashboard created
secret/kubernetes-dashboard-certs created
secret/kubernetes-dashboard-csrf created
secret/kubernetes-dashboard-key-holder created
configmap/kubernetes-dashboard-settings created created created created created
deployment.apps/kubernetes-dashboard created
service/dashboard-metrics-scraper created
deployment.apps/dashboard-metrics-scraper created
serviceaccount/kb-admin-svc created created
Starting to serve on
metrics-server   1/1     1            1           7m37s 

The script should also create a file that contains the token of the service account we just created. Copy the token inside.

grep "token:" kube-dashboard-token.txt

Open a web browser and paste this URL. Enter the token that we just copied. We’ll use thie dashboard later in the lab.


Note that the token will expire after some time. Simply generate a new one in the terminal.

kubectl -n kubernetes-dashboard describe secret $(kubectl -n kubernetes-dashboard get secret | grep kb-admin-svc | awk '{print $1}') 

Install the Amazon EFS CSI driver

We’ll follow the steps in the official AWS Documentation for Amazon EFS CSI driver. Before anything else, check if your cluster already has an existing AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) OpenID Connect (OIDC) provider.

aws eks describe-cluster --name $MYCLUSTER --query "cluster.identity.oidc.issuer" --output text

It should return an output like this:

Create the IAM Policy and Role

Start with creating an IAM policy using the iam-policy.json file.

aws iam create-policy \
    --policy-name AmazonEKS_EFS_CSI_Driver_Policy \
    --policy-document file://iam_policies/iam-policy.json

Next, create the role using the trust-policy.json

aws iam create-role \
  --role-name AmazonEKS_EFS_CSI_DriverRole \
  --assume-role-policy-document file://"iam_policies/trust-policy.json"  

Attach the policy to the role.

aws iam attach-role-policy \
  --policy-arn arn:aws:iam::$MYAWSID:policy/AmazonEKS_EFS_CSI_Driver_Policy \
  --role-name AmazonEKS_EFS_CSI_DriverRole

Finally, create the service account using efs-service-account.yml file.

kubectl apply -f manifests/efs-service-account.yml

Install the EFS Driver

For this step, we’ll use Helm v3. There are other methods available in the documentation.

helm repo add aws-efs-csi-driver
helm repo update

Install a release of the driver using the Helm chart. Note that the command below uses a container image for the ap-southeast-1 region. For other regions, please refer to Amazon container image registries.

helm upgrade -i aws-efs-csi-driver aws-efs-csi-driver/aws-efs-csi-driver \
    --namespace kube-system \
    --set \
    --set controller.serviceAccount.create=false \

To verify, run:

kubectl get pod -n kube-system -l "," 

It should return:

NAME                                 READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
efs-csi-controller-57f6df8c6-4zjpv   3/3     Running   0          55s
efs-csi-controller-57f6df8c6-kz4t2   3/3     Running   0          65s
efs-csi-node-hrh6r                   3/3     Running   0          64s
efs-csi-node-z99x8                   3/3     Running   0          64s
efs-csi-node-zzfmq                   3/3     Running   0          64s 

Create the EFS Filesystem

Start with creating the EFS Filesystem in the AWS Management Console. Since the console UI is changing from time to time, better to follow the official AWS Documentation on how to create the EFS Filesystem.

We should see the “Success” message along with the filesystem created in the EFS main page.

Click on the new filesystem and go to Network tab to see more details.

Save the EFS Filesystem ID to a variable.


Next, create the access point by clicking the Access Points tab at the bottom. In the next page, click Create access point. We’ll create two access points:

Fields Values
Filesystem Select the filesystem you just created
Name Wordpress
Root /wordpress
Posix User ID 1000
Posix Group ID 1000
Root directory creation permissions User ID 1000
Root directory creation permissions Group ID 1000
Access point permissions 777
Fields Values
Filesystem Select the filesystem you just created
Name MySQL
Root /mysql
Posix User ID 1000
Posix Group ID 1000
Root directory creation permissions User ID 1000
Root directory creation permissions Group ID 1000
Access point permissions 777

Both access points should be in the “Available” state. Take note of the Access Point ID of each.

Create the Namespace

Create a namespace to separate workloads and isolate environments using namespace.yml

kubectl apply -f manifests/namespace.yml 


$ kubectl get ns -A

NAME                   STATUS   AGE
default                Active   5h25m
kube-node-lease        Active   5h25m
kube-public            Active   5h25m
kube-system            Active   5h25m
kubernetes-dashboard   Active   7m
lab-efs                Active   12s

Create the StorageClass and PersistentVolumeClaims

Use storageclass-pvc.yml to create the StorageClass and PersistenVolumeClaims for both Wordpress and MySQL. Make sure to replace the fileSystemId and fsapId.

kubectl apply -f manifests/storageclass-pvc.yml 

To verify, run the command below. Note that both PVCs are in Bound state.

$ kubectl get pvc
NAME            STATUS   VOLUME                                     CAPACITY   ACCESS MODES   STORAGECLASS   AGE
pvc-mysql       Bound    pvc-fbf5035d-81cf-4c45-b90f-e2b2213eed9d   10Gi       RWX            efs-sc         62s
pvc-wordpress   Bound    pvc-515d6e26-1b9b-4722-ac41-66763166f428   10Gi       RWX            efs-sc         62s 

Deploy MySQL and Wordpress

Before we proceed with deploying the Wordpress and MySQL applications, we’ll create a kustomization.yml first which will allow us to use a secret password for the MySQL and Wordpress pods.

- name: mysql-pass
  - password=WordPass
  - deploy-mysql.yml 
  - deploy-wordpress.yml 

Deploy the Wordpress and MySQL.

kubectl apply -f manifests/deploy-mysql.yml 
kubectl apply -f manifests/deploy-wordpress.yml 


Before we officially close this lab, make sure to destroy all resources to prevent incurring additional costs.

$ time eksctl delete cluster -f manifests/eksops.yml

Note that when you delete your cluster, make sure to double-check the AWS Console and ensure that the Cloudformation stacks (which we created by eksctl) are dropped cleanly.

Make sure to delete the EFS Filesystem. If you created it through Terraform, run the command below.

cd manifests
terraform destroy -auto-approve 
